Monday, May 21, 2012

Why's not now

Why's not now to atone for the unexpressed, those lone feelings that once danced but then digressed. Why's not now, to stop hiding behind that cloak of ambiguity, tiny feelings of passive faith in best case scenarios, the only problem is, all the scenarios seem like dead end streets towards self incrimination. Why's not now to step off that silly trail of excuses, that luminescent trail of milk and honey, that don't do nothin but waste your money. What am i talking about? I'm talking about my procrastinating fearful self, filled with dreams but void of action. Why's not now, cause tomorrow isn't a promise, but just an illusion, an illusion of resetting mistakes, settling tabs on give and takes, but mostly a chance to awake.  So why's not now, cause tomorrow's now can't wait.

SO with that, i'm off to another thunderous start, now that i lost all my readership! Lemme rebuild from scratch, just like all those ancient cool civilizations, that will here in be undisclosed, but, like, that one in Greece did a pretty good job. Right??

What better way to start by cleaning out my unpublished blog entries, that dungeon of archived memories, locked in cubicles no bigger than medium sized sedan. I must forewarn that gems do abound, but it takes two to make the light shine, which means me and you, and I will leave it at that.

Peeing on Ice Cubes

(Post Commentary) That was how far i got in that blog entry. i remember this was right after peeing in the urinal at a Sushi joint. I guess they thought rather than just dumping out those precious prizes of civilization, they should create a moment to discharging fellows. And a momentous moment it was indeed. Can there be anything as satisfying liberating frozen liquid, from discharged liquids from oneself? Kind of like a domino effect of freedom.

It's been a slow process but i feel a little more like myself and a little bit less like a shadow of a soul.

Another one of them melancholic entries i guess. Don't know what it was about but i empathize with you past Ian, forever the forbear of melancholia, the most delicious dish of the existential soup bowl.

Breath-taking flow
 It seems that somewhere along the way i have attracted a seamstress. I must confess that i have been...

Ohhhh shit! Confess motherfu#$er!! Well i guess it never really started cause I don't remember no seamstress in my life...... though there was that one time...

Weekend Sink In
I think i've been maturing a lot lately. So much so, i think i finally truly appreciate and respect the decision to create a 7th day, and designate it as the day of rest. A day off to relax and de-stress, who would have thought... Anyways before i delve any deeper into my new found religious awakening to the divinity of weekends, i guess i want to write about some personal development of myself, which has come slow like the uncertain waddle of a toddler, but still with a bruised forehead to light the way. 

Hooray.  The tradition proudly continues my friend. I proudly stand on your shoulders, well, oh, slouch.

The year of Gratitude
Hello friends. It has been a while. I hope that in between every space we transition through, (new rooms, days, meals, stores, coffees and rarely updated blogs) that those doors find your presence in good spirits. For me life has truly been a blessed and confusing trip and now that i have completed yet another revolution of time i think i want to start my new year with a humble feeling of joyful gratitude and consciousness of all the things i should appreciate. Ultimately life is special only because of the gratitude we feel, elevating us from a state of the unremarkable to the exceptional, coloring the bland to an explosion of feelings and love. So before going forward i thought i would do a little moon walk into the past.

I don't get what new year this was talking about cause October ain't new years according to any calendar. I guess it was my birthday??

Thin strands of clouds cover the sky like embroidered silk, or like the remnants of a company man's fading youth, a desperate attempt to hide the assertive encroaching desertification. The thinned sunlight is further distilled by the thin layer of condensation on the window, coating my outlook with faded optimism, perhaps the proper attire for my eye while I wonder through the basement of winter. And it is this lusterless state of being that I seem to find my self continually locked to.

Dramatic scene changes seems to be a solid fixture of my life, but it seems each time my sense of direction becomes dimmer. The past month since returning to Japan has been one of the greatest unrestricted struggles. When everything in my surrounding resembles nothing of what was

More melancholia for me!! The company man's reference is more effective in Japanese to all those that felt it lacking.

the months have been moving slowly and nondescriptly, like borderless rain clouds brooding over sun thirsting soil.

Now offering title-less melancholic memorabilia!

Music, food, dance, writing, photography, art, drinking and smoking
how else does one describe that radiating feeling that sends shiverous fleas that jump all over your skin...

 Ooohh, ooh, I want shiverous fleas!! pleeaaaseee...

Yes! Done! No more drafts. No more nagging baggage from the past pulling at my loose hanging pants. From here, it will all be forward progression. Movement at last!

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