So I guess mine aren't very specific, original or new, which has me wondering why I'm even bothering, but in moments of hesitation I console my brittle soul that just writing things out helps me remember and once it's out in the public I japanesely feel that people will be judging me for not honoring my words, and I would feel unparalleled shame. So allow me to invite you to unwillingly participate in my Japanese psychological games. All you have to do is have me believe that you've read this, which basically means I already do, like it or not, cause the potential is already there and that is all that matters. So here they are, my fab 6.
Stop fearing and hating and initiate some TLCing. Life would be so much easier and less stressful to love people then fearing and hating them. That doesn't mean I can't dislike or grumble about people though. That's my constitutional right.
Appreciate people's unique spices they provide. Gotta keep yo life zesty and flavorful, or you'll end up eating corn bread all the time.
Overcome dread of art and explore my inner free bird. When I was a camp counselor at an English summer camp in Japan, one of the 3rd graders told me my drawings sucks. Well kid, your drawings and English sucked, so ha.
Nurture and take care of relationships. I really have to work on this. It dawned on me that I've never intentionally tried this before so it's definitely a mixed batch of fresh baked croissants, but I loooovveeee what I'm smelling.
Get some real skillz. I get a discouraging insight into the emo psyche when thinking about what little I can actually "do" despite all those years spent "learning"… But I will survive.
6 is a good number right? That means I can dedicate two months to each one and promptly forget the old ones. Plus Jimi says if 6 turned out to be 9 he doesn't mind, so if Jimi doesn’t mind neither do I, and thus 6 is good enough for me in '09.
But before I mosey along '09 any farther, I want to pause and reflect for roughly 47 seconds. A plant does not grow because you put the seed in the soil; well it kind of does, but the thousands of years of death and decay that enriches the soil creates the fertile bed upon which new life springs. Thus it is my moral responsibility to provide context and reconnect with my past achievements of '08, which are now dead, but won't be forgotten.
- First and foremost, graduating from college was major success. I don't want to say I was unhappy at Pomona, but oh what elation fills the sky when I do a post-Pomona banzai.
- For pretty much the first time in my life I had a period of no direction and immediate plans for the future, which is good and bad but I appreciated the time to muse and allow for things to fall into place, rather than forcing.
- Took part, and hopefully contributed, in an amazing grassroots, anti-racist, civil rights, multiracial campaign against racist, homophobic, patriarchic and regressive propositions in California. The struggle is where my future awaits.
- Got a Fulbright to work with V Shivaaa. That's pretty sweet. Sweet like the organic small farm honey that we sell for 500 rupees.
- Bought cool elephant bed sheets. I messed up at first and bought a boring blanket with dull orange and brown colors, but now I've redeemed my bed through herding an elephant parade home. It's kind of like a half burnt sandwich now: the top sandwich is all charcoalry but the bottom sandwich, the foundation if you will, and oh you will, is a fine golden brown.
- Discovered and rediscovered, connected and re-connected with some amazing beings who have really given me a sense of direction and fittingness.
So voila, there it is. . Or in Japanese ho---re yo.
I've got a feeling that '09 will be a trying time but will also be oh so fine.
PS I feel like I should write a tad about what I'm actually supposed to be doing so tune in next week for some substance from Ian for a change! Maybe with an added bonus of more graphics and less text!
PPS Also, also, also, though not quite as resolutionary status as it’s a mere continuation, I would like to be everything others, but especially yuko;), want me to be for them, and really refine my Osakan spirit.
nice resolutions, ian! also, i enjoy your comic touch! -julie
sweet man. i really like reading your writing. i hope lots of cool, inspiring, and interesting things are happening around and in you.
(this is lucille)
Oh oh oh oh I love shiny new years, too! A chance to throw away and hopefully (forgive and) forget about all the nasty, horrible things I have now come to regret. GREAT resolutions. Makes me want to rethink my resolution to eat more veggies, hahaha. Also love that you reserve your right to dislike people. Very healthy and realistic.
youre fantabulous. i'm ready for some croissants.
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